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Anthropologie des Raums. Soziale und räumliche Ordnung im Süden Burkina Fasos (Anthropology of Space. Social and Spatial Order in Southern Burkina Faso). Frankfurt: Köppe (Studien zur Kulturkunde, 122)

1994 Gründersippen: Legitimation, Autorität und Prärogative von Aristoratie in traditionellen Gesellschaften. Bonn: Holos.
2008 The House and Embodied Memory in Journeys (2008, Vol. 9, No. 2) Berghahn.
2007 “Women, Gender and Domestic Space: Sub-Saharan Africa.” In Suad Joseph (ed): Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Leiden: Brill
2006 “Sharing or Dividing the Land? Land Rights and Herder-Farmer Relations in a Comparative View”. Canadian Journal of African Studies 40/1, 2006


Land Rights and Changing Identities. A Comparative Paper on the Policies of Formal Land Allotment to Pastoral Groups in Northwest Cameroon and Burkina Faso . Max Planck Ins titute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 48
2001 “An Anthropological Case Study on the Relation between Space, Language, and Social Order” . Environment and Planning A 33 (12): 2189 – 2203

„Herrschaftsgeschichte und Konstruktion des Raums“. (The History of Power and Construction of Space) Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 125: 265-80

1999 “Spatial Order and Social Navigation”. Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter 11: 35-50
1998 “Parenté et localité: Migration et constitution des groupes” (Kinship and Locality: Migration and Constitution of Social Groups) Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter 10:11 -20
1998 “Parenté et localité: Migration et constitution des groupes” (Kinship and Locality: Migration and Constitution of Social Groups) Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter 10:11 -20

Book contributions

2004b „Integration durch Konflikt: Interethnische Beziehungen und Ressourcenmanagement im westlichen Afrika“. (Integration through Conflict: Interethnic Relations and Resource Management in Western Africa ). In Max Planck Society: Yearbook 2004
2003 Towards an Ethnography of Governance . In Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology : Annual Report 2003: 19-30
1996b “Les ancêtres et les genies. Elements pour une histoire des populations Mosi et Bisa dans la province de Boulgou”. (Ancestors and Spirits. Contri­butions to a History of Mosi and Bisa) In SFB 268 (ed) Communications. Symposium International du SFB268, Frankfurt , Berichte des SFB 268 (7): 211-220

“Quelques apercus concernant la structure et l'histoire des concessions et des villages dans la région Bisa”. (Some Remarks on the Structure and History of Compounds and Villages in the Bisa Region) Communications. Symposium Inter-national du SFB268, Frankfurt , Berichte des SFB 268 (7):49-56

* last updated mar 2008